A Holy Advent

Advent is a time of preparing for that which we already have. We await Christmas Day, the revelation of Jesus, who had been physically conceived nine months previous, the Feast of the Incarnation. God revealed himself in the flesh of Mary as a separate person who lay in the manger on the first Christmas Day. We seek to reveal Christ in our flesh this coming Christmas Day. Have we taken on the mind of Christ? Are we now prepared to say, “This is my body; I give it to you,” to Jesus within ourselves?

If not, why not?

If it is because of unrepentant sin that you carry, Advent is also a period of penance and reparation. This is a perfect time, an acceptable time to examine one’s own conscience and apologize with the hope of forgiveness through absolution for any present unrepentant sin. Upon completing one’s penance and reconciliation, one can begin the process of self-examination anew. Such a second examination of conscience that begins at the graced moment of completion of the reconciliation process, given sufficient time, can often lead to a follow-up, much deeper and profound reconciliation. Yes, this is a suggestion that you plan on seeking the Sacrament of Reconciliation on two occasions before Christmas. This is a short Advent so two occasions requires seeking the Sacrament this week and a second maybe two weeks hence.

It is up to each person to decide for oneself if this Advent will be a typical period of material preparation for Christmas or a truly new beginning for your relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and ultimately with the Father. Many churches enrich the Advent season with the offer of extra opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, often with added evening opportunities to seek reconciliation through the Sacrament.

Jesus Christ is waiting with graces for you to make this a Holy Season for yourself. Don’t let yourself miss this opportunity. For this Christmas, be at least as spiritually prepared for Jesus on Christmas Day as you are so often materially ready. 

May the peace of Christ in the womb of Mary be with you.

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