“I AM WHO AM,” is the name God first used with Moses when speaking on Mount Sinai from the Burning Bush. (Douay Rheims Exodus 3:14)

This name speaks to the eternal existence of God and to God as the creator, the source of being of all creation. God always was, is, and always will be. ‘To be’ for the created is requisite to exist with an origin and a history. The existence of all that is created is God, who is eternal and infinite. God always was, is, and always will be.

The existence of anything requires a realm in which to exist. God existed without creation, and God has His own realm. God’s realm is the supernatural. The Supernatural Realm is exclusively God’s realm.

We as humans exist in the Natural Realm. This is a created realm with all that we can sense through our five senses of seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting. It is most associated with the material world. It also includes the laws that guide nature, such as the law of gravity. It also includes invisible matters such as mathematics, natural law, and liberty.

There also exists a third realm known as the Preternatural Realm. The Preternatural is a second created realm that is beyond the natural but not of the supernatural. Here we find angels and demons, heaven and hell.

SupernaturalUncreatedOf God alone
PreternaturalCreatedBeyond the Natural, but not of the Supernatural
NaturalCreatedOf the sensible world, most associated with the material world but inclusive of laws that guide nature

Peace of Jesus in the womb of Mary be with you.

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